Palpara More, Krishnagar, Nadia, West Bengal
7407015551 / 7407028080 / 8001110006

Krishnagar Public School

An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization
Affiliated to CBSE, Senior Secondary Level | CBSE Affiliation No 2430223
(A NCDTE Trust Initiative)

Admission Test / Interview

Admissions are granted to students on the basis of the following assessments:


  • Interactive Session for Pre-primary to Class II.
  • Written test and interview from class III upwards


The admission test will cover English and Mathematics based on the syllabus of the preceding class to which admission is sought.

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Palpara More, Krishnagar, Nadia, West Bengal
7407015551 / 7407028080 / 8001110006

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