An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization
Affiliated to CBSE, Senior Secondary Level | CBSE Affiliation No 2430223
(A NCDTE Trust Initiative)
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water."
World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993, celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe water.Like every year students of Krishnagar Public School, decided to take a pledge to make a lifestyle change that would impact not only those within the school but also the community outside of the school. The theme of this year’s World Water Day was decided in keeping with the current water crisis faced by many states.
Students of primary and middle school prepared posters based on the theme, “Do your bit! Save Water”.They showed posters/paper art/painting methods and speech suggesting on how to reduce water waste.Students of Krishnagar Public School shared different ideas through their creative art work which are easy to implement ideas to reduce water wastage for eg: Don’t take shower baths – take a bucket bath, Close the tap when scrubbing your hands or brushing your teeth, Fix leaky taps, Don’t fill up the waster glass – take only as much as you want to drink, Pour left over water into the plants, Try and install a water recycling plant in their residential/office buildings.
The students of primary & middle school prepared colourful posters with the message "Save Water,Save Earth'.They also presented the paper art work to explain the water cycle process in the environment.
It is invigorating to see the dedication and outstanding enthusiasm of our students of Krishnagar Public School to brush-up their skills and growth. By pursuing these passions despite the risks and fears, it inspire them for their greater achievements and continuous improvements.